BizBytes® 123: Trade Show Lead Follow-Up System

Contact Booth Visitors Quickly after a Show to Improve ROI

The Early Bird Gets the Sale

“50% of buyers choose the vendor that responds first.” ( 2007)

Don't Forget to Follow Up

“80% of trade show exhibitors don’t follow up with their show leads.” (SalesForce, 2012)

Or Wait Too Long!

“38% of event exhibitors take longer than six days to follow up with their event leads.” (Exhibitor Online, 2015)

How BizBytes® 123 Works

Say Thank You!

We email your prospects thanking them for visiting your booth and letting them know how to reach you.


After two days, we reach back out with more information about your company's products & services.

Lead Qualification

Three days later, we send a survey for the lead to communicate their needs. How should we continue following up?

3-Step Process to Identify Promising Prospects

These strategic follow-up messages are prepared and approved in advance with the goal of identifying prospects most likely to purchase.

Zero Time Wasted

With follow-up messages pre-prepared and sent on your behalf, we can contact your trade show leads immediately after the show concludes.

Actionable Insights
Our BizLead reports offer insight on which leads opened along with who clicked and where. Discover what prospects are most curious about and who’s likely to engage further.

Follow-Up Coaching
Not sure what to do next? Our pre-show and post-show packages offer a consulting session with a sales expert to brainstorm additional ideas to help advance the sales cycle on your trade show leads.

Plans & Pricing

BizBytes® 123:
A Strategic Trade Show Lead Follow-Up System

Starter Package $900

  • Company Name and Contact Info
  • 3 Pre-drafted Follow-up Emails
  • BizLead Report
  • Post-Show Package $1,200

  • Company Name and Contact Info
  • 3 Pre-drafted Follow-up Emails
  • BizLead Report
  • Best Practices Coaching Session
  • Pre and Post-Show Custom Package*

  • Company Logo and Contact Info
  • 3 Customized Follow-up Emails
  • BizLead Report
  • Best Practices Coaching Session
  • *Starts at $1,800

    Learn More

    We’ll walk you through the details of our services.

    Fill out the form for a preliminary assessment.

    Contact us directly at
    (909) 225-7009.

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    Proposal Request

    Fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly.